From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Jt:Do I then understand you to be saying:
1. All (all of humanity over all time) are drawn by the Father. (this would suggest that, theoretically at any rate, everyone could have responded positively)
What scripture says is that those who have come have done so because they were drawn by the Father and I don't speculate.
2. Some among this 'all' respond, for reasons unknown to anyone, negatively.
The ones who do not respond do not choose God's way they remain deceived, held captive by the evil one to do his will.
3. We play a part in our own salvation (I assume also in the retaining of that salvation) through (1) Deciding to say 'yes' (2) continuing to say 'yes' through our obedience (IFF at any point we fall into a protracted 'no' then, our salvation is forever lost  Is this your understanding.
Not exactly Lance; the God who called us is able to keep us; I don't get intospeculating about  lost, saved, lost, saved... jt
Those who heed the call of the Spirit Lance - you will be drawn by one thing or another; some
are drawn by cords of iniquity and others are drawn to God's Truth by the Spirit of Christ. jt
Jt:It's your understanding of the word 'drawn' that I'd appreciate.
They don't exist Lance - everyone is called, but not everyone responds. Why do you think Jesus
wept over Jerusalem?  Wisdom dances in the streets saying "come in here, come in here" but alas
the call of Hollywood is more seductive.  So..... "Many are called but few are chosen" because to be
chosen we must choose Him... rather than the world, the flesh, and the counsel of the devil.
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Jt:What of those who have NOT been drawn by the Father?
It's a closed circle Lance. Noone comes to the Father unless they come through Jesus who is the door and
noone comes to Jesus except it is given him by the father (Jn 6:65). IOW the Holy Spirit gives spiritual life (quickeneth), and without the work of the Holy Spirit noone can even see the need for it (Jn 14:17). All spiritual life begins and ends with God. He reveals truth to us, lives within us, then he enables us to respond to that truth.
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Amen! God's covenant is fulfilled in Jesus (the obedient Israelite).
'those who come to Him have been drawn by the Father' Could you kindly tell me what this passage means to you?
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
God's covenant (via Abraham) is unilateral and, not bilateral.
jt: God's covenant (via Abraham) is Jesus and those who come to Him have been drawn by the Father.
I don't see anything "unilateral" in all the gospels.  Counting the cost is a scriptural principle.  judyt
In a message dated 8/16/2004 12:16:39 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The above is TFT's "incarnational teaching"  Yes Jesus is the sacrifice for all time but God is a Covenant God and Jesus is given as a Covenant to the people.  Covenant agreements involve the fidelity both parties and we enter the process of salvation so that we might overcome as He overcame. Yes it is all His grace, and it is all His power - but we have our part in the process if we have repented from dead works so that we may serve the Living God.  I'm not satisfied with a "form of godliness" are you?.

What about the fellow in Ro 2:12-16?   The text presents one who is not a hearer of the law -- of any law.   But he instinctively fulfills the law and with that activity, can be saved by Christ.   The text does not present one who has accepted Christ as his personal savior or held himself obedient to an ethical code of some sort.  
jt: The fellow in Romans 2:12 is a New Covenant believer a person who has God's law written upon the tables of his heart by the indwelling Spirit as Per Jeremiah 31:33. A gentile who was not raised under the Jewish law.  The book of Romans is addressed to: "All that be in Rome beloved of God, called to be saints"  IOW it is to God's people in Rome.
Scripture everywhere teaches that God cares more for the condition of the heart than anything.   Somewhere in this "inwardness" is the image of God spoken of in Genesis. 
jt: I agree about the condition of the heart being important to God.  However, scripture also teaches us that the human heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9); this is not the image of God.  Jesus is the image of God. He said "If you have seen Me you have seen the Father" and it is not until we are conformed to His image (which is the purpose of salvation) that we return to the image of God spoken of in Genesis.
Grace and Peace,

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