In a message dated 8/19/2004 6:46:13 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

John, When you read about the law in the NT please realize it was written by Jews who meant the OT laws of God.  Torah in Hebrew was written as Law in Greek. Law = Torah.  We fool ourselves when we pretend they are not one and the same. Izzy

I am not sure as to what you see as a problem.  Paul contrasts "law" (that which is written) with an inwardness.   In some places, he allows this inwardness to be "faith;"  in another "love;"  and in another "Spirit."  

The "perfect law of liberty" does not include the ceremonial observances of anything.   That is why the brother who observes special days and those who had concerns about meats are called "weak."   What makes them strong is their conviction.   And so the brother who observes holy days is to continue that practice  --  in spite of the fact that it is no longer a consideration in the New Covenant way of thinking -- because "what is not of faith is sin." 

You might curl up by the fireplace and contemplate Jere 31:31-34 and all of Ro 14. 


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