Careful, John—you’re going to make G jealous with all that nifty prose. J Izzy


Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 5:29 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] a poem for Smitty


Here is a poem I wrote in April of 2000.   Perhaps you can see why I latched onto much of Baxter Kruger's thinking four years later.   I write as I speak  -  it is only a "poem" because I say it is a poem.   I originally wrote it with the view that I might, someday, read it aloud at a Barnes and Noble. Still have that plan in mind.    It may not flow as a "poem" might be expected to flow but here goes:

4/19/00    The Institution and Completion of Grace

It has occurred to me that grace
is the element of surprise in
the Party of Four. 

Without its presence, civilizations are not civil.
Without its function, we who are rich are, in deed, found to be poor. 

Without its flow coursing through His veins,
Christ Jesus is just another man.
Without its promise, salvation is an eccentric and unworkable plan. 

Because of grace, words flow from the mind of God.
Because of its infilling provision,
We are able to use those words to image the reality that is from above. 

Because of grace, it is never and only about the Trinity. 

Because of grace, the equation  --  you see  --  is extended to include the likes of you and me.

The Father, Son and Spirit come to dwell in my person !!  Together we are the Party of Four. 

Together and because of grace, we  --  Them and me  --  are predestined to live in harmony for ever more. 

"Live in harmony"  I say.

Me and God  !!!

Me  !!!    and that grand company of companions !!!

Me and Them   !!!!

Could be you and them  -------------    in harmony.
The weak and the Strong.

Without grace  -- no way me and Them belong. 

We cannot earn it; we cannot lay hold of it; we cannot lose it; we cannot acquire it.

There is nothing left for us but to reject it or accept it. 

Its utility has nothing to do with our efforts. 

Its received influence has everything to do with everything we do. 

And so I urge you this very moment,
lift your hands and receive Him   ----   for the first time or for the next time. 

Being filled with the Spirit is intended to be a reoccurring event and so, 

The invitation is offered to all on every occasion.  

In receiving Him, you are receiving Them.

The Father, Son and Spirit  --  the company of companions waiting your next invitation. 

Let that invitation be now or again. 

Complete the Party of  Four.

Let the grace that made Him more than He could be
drive your knees to the floor. 

Let your invitation be this proclamation:




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