So do we all Jonathan (need prayer that is); it is impossible to be
judging someone you are praying
for, so it is obvious you have yet to begin.  Are you as nit picking with
your own Prime Minister?  jt

On Thu, 23 Sep 2004 10:57:23 -0400 "Hughes Jonathan"
> Nice story.  Bogus garbage of course but nicely written.  Almost 
> feel
> touched.  I will agree with you on one thing:  Bush certainly needs
> prayer.
> But stop the Bush is a godly man garbage. 
> Jonathan Hughes
 -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> ShieldsFamily
> Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2004 10:51 AM
> Subject: [TruthTalk] MY PRESIDENT
> Subject: Our President
> The man who admitted to having a drinking problem in younger years, 
> and
> whose  happy-go-lucky lifestyle led him to mediocre grades in 
> college
> and an ill-fated oil venture. Who mangled syntax, and whose 
> speaking
> misstep became known as "Bushisms."
> He came within a hair's breadth of losing the election in November.
> While votes were counted and re-counted, Bush quietly but 
> confidently
> waited at his  ranch.  Make no mistake, his orders were carried out, 
> but
> he stayed in the background, faithful and confident.  Bush named 
> Jesus
> Christ as Lord of his life on public TV. Not an oblique reference 
> to
> being "born-again" or having a "life change."  He actually said the
> un-PC-like phrase, "Jesus Christ"!
> On September 11, he was thrust into a position only known by 
> Roosevelt,
> Churchill, Lincoln, and Washington. The weight of the world was on 
> his
> shoulders, and the responsibility of a generation was on his soul.  
> So
> President George OUROURW. Bush walked to his seat at the front of 
> the
> National Cathedral just three days after two of the most impressive
> symbols of American capitalism and prosperity virtually evaporated.
> When the history of this time is written, it will be acknowledged 
> by
> friend and foe alike that President George W. Bush came of age in 
> that
> cathedral and  lifted a nation off its knees. In what was one of 
> the
> most impressive exhibitions of self-control in presidential 
> history,
> President George W. Bush  was able to deliver his remarks without 
> losing
> his resolve, focus, or confidence.  God's hand, which guided him 
> through
> that sliver-thin election, now rested fully on him. As he walked 
> back to
> his seat, the camera angle was appropriate. He was virtually alone 
> in
> the scene, alone in that massive place  of God; just him and the 
> Lord.
> Back at his seat, George H. W. Bush reached over and took his son's
> hand.
> In that gesture his father seemed to say, "I wish I could do this 
> for
> you, son, but I can't. You have to do this on your own." Pres George 
> W.
> Bush squeezed back and gave him a look of peace that said, "I don't 
> have
> to do it alone, Dad. I've got help."
> What a blessing to have a professing Christian as President. Please 
> take
> a moment after you read this to pray for him. He truly does have 
> the
> weight of the world on his shoulders. Pray that God will sustain him 
> and
> give him wisdom and discernment in his decisions. Pray for his
> protection and that of his family.  
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you 
> may
> know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you 
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