On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 09:43:35 -0600 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
of course not, jt(!)
let's think:  i suspect that consciousness of sin is an original concept of the Ap Paul, spiritually, rediscovrd periodically by, e.g. MLuthr, else even we, inc Pedro, would well be mired still in the myth/s of th Dark Ages; while so, then culturally, one asks naturally now, relative to Rom 3, of what are you conscious via law?
jt: You mean we're not?  (still mired in the myths of the Dark Ages) You've been pronouncing myth over almost every post to this list, well all except those in line with your own doctrine.
Gary: while you admit (scripturally) 'I ain't always conscious of moral perfection', what are you but in agreement with, e.g.,the Ap Paul in Rom 3 and God and even with MLuthr himself?
jt: I'm in agreement with Romans 3 and the rest of God's Word through the apostle Paul. I differ in many areas with Martin Luther who never completely extricated himself from Romanism and in later years he was afflicted with bitterness toward the Jews.
stated anothr way, the point is (biblically, curntly culturaly) that ignorance of sin is tied to ignorance of the law/Rom 3--or, somewhat conversly, the more you pursue the law, the more you'll experience what you are really, intrinsically, extrinsically, exceedingly sinful
... and So? What about Romans 8:1,2 (in the majority text)? Ignorance is never bliss no matter what the pundits say. God proclaims by way of His prophet "My ppl perish for lack of knowledge" so... It's "repent or perish"
try to be perfect and say you're succeedg; the bible permits those who know the truth of Rom 3 to laugh like God in Ps. 2 who'll 'have you in derision'
jt: And where does "the Bible" permit this?  My Bible says it's He who sits in the heavens that laughs and holds in derision those who take counsel against Him and His Anointed... Hmmm what's that about "he who exalts himself?" and where does it talk about 'sinners in Zion trembling'?
On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 11:01:58 -0400 Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Shall we sin then that grace may abound?  jt
On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 08:48:33 -0600 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
th' more law keepin' in which thou engageth, the more consciousness of sin thou wilt ferth experience
On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 05:06:01 -0600 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
10/21, jt
Show me..scripture
'..rather, through the law we become conscious of sin.' (Rom3)

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