Here are some questions I am considering:   Why is Paul's theology presented only in personal letters   --- 
a style of presentation not found in First Testament scripture.   Why is it not systematic in nature?
jt: Paul didn't write a rule book. His epistles/letters were for the express purpose of helping and
encouraging the groups he helped to found. Jesus' teaching can all be found in the OT and he did
not present it in a systematic way during his earthly ministry either.  (We've been too brainwashed
by the Greeks (Lance & Jonathan should like that :)
John: And -why does no NT writer quote Jesus in support of his individual theologies and admonitions.  
I would expect to find something to the effect of  ----  "Jesus while on this earth, presented to us the very
advice I am giving to you now.   It is He who is the author and finisher of our faith  --  my words are only
a mirror of His earthly and present ministry."   Seems reasonable to expect such wording.  Not there at all.
jt: No because those following Him are expected to "hear His voice" the way Peter heard the voice of the
Father in Matthew 16:16.  The RCC have made this out to be such a big mystery and proclaimed Peter the
first Pope opver it, but Popery is extra Biblical and Peter's revelation is supposed to be normal Kingdom

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