To slade and to those of like mind:What is a covenant? What is a contract? What is the difference? Iff a covenant is unilateral, can it be broken?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: November 16, 2004 07:52
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] 613 Commands

Slade Henson wrote:
Hmm...why then, Terry, does God repeatedly say it was for the "foreigner" among them as well?
You mention feasts, sacrifices, tithing, and Sabbath. Does this mean we no longer need to tithe or keep the Sabbath? What about the feasts? God says this is a forever commandment regarding Passover, throughout all your generations and that it is for the stranger as well. How come for Sukkot, it was done then, but it isn't done now, but it will be done again in the Kingdom? Do we get a break from these wonderful Feasts and times of joy and fellowship? If we're to do what Jesus did, how come He celebrated these Feasts and we don't have to? How come Paul continued celebrating the Feasts and the Sabbath?
Mornin' Kay.  Strange as it seems, forever does not always mean forever.  If you buy a house and sign a contract with a thirty year mortgage, and make payments every month for thirty years, the house is yours,  If you only make payments for six months, you will be evicted.  The thirty year contract now means nothing, since you have broken the contract.
 Same with a covenant.  Good forever, or until broken.

Since I am not a Jew, and since Leviticus says the law was only for the Jews, please tell me why I should be bound by your laws.  Once you figure that one out, please tell me why you should be stuck with regulations that do not apply to me if God loves us both equally.

 Y'all need to do some serious questioning of your position.  How to tithe to a priesthood that no longer exists would be a good place to start, because if you fail to tithe to the priests you break the whole law.  With the laws that Jesus gave us, that presents no problem.  Tithing is not required under the new covenant.  We give with a cheerful heart, not because it is compulsory.
It's all in the book.  You can read it for yourself.

Just remember that no matter how confused you may get, we love you anyway. :-)


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