John Smithson wrote:
Additionally, a comparison of Ps 7 complete with
the arrogance of the self-righteous in stark contrast
to the wording of one who is suddenly and completely
humbled by the fact of sin in his life (Ps 51) and in the
presense of a merciful God.

I believe there is an important distinction to be understood between the concepts of arrogance and integrity. Psalm 7 conveys integrity, not arrogance.

Job's friends accused Job of arrogance, but God made it clear that Job kept the integrity of his heart in saying that he had not sinned.

It would be a sin for a man to say that he has sinned some unknown sin somewhere when, in fact, he had not sinned. Do you agree with this point? It also would be a sin for a man to declare that he will sin at some future date when the Lord has promised to deliver him from every temptation known to man.

God desires humility, not self-abasement. God desires sober thinking, not sniveling cowering at his feet. God desires for us to stand up like men of valor before him with a heart free of any consciousness of sin. Blessed is the man who has found the remission of his sins in truth. Blessed is the man who can stand before the Lord in prayer and say, "I will not sin against you."

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

---------- "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)

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