Slade wrote:
Please tell me where Scripture says the Law of Moses is a hard yoke?
Now... before you get your panties all in a knot, please remember
that there is a heavy yoke in Scripture: Legalism (the belief that Law
-- if followed -- will grant Eternal Life). Aside form THAT yoke,
show me one...

I did not say that the Law of Moses was a hard yoke. I said that the covenant of the law was a hard yoke. As I said in another post, the distinction between the law and the covenant with God based upon law is constantly blurred in the dialogue.

I can show many passages that teach that the covenant of Torah was a heavy yoke. However, first, you bring up a term "legalism" with a rather esoteric definition. What Scripture shows you that legalism is defined in the way that you define it, and where does Scripture teach that legalism is the yoke being talked about? I think the Gal. 4 passage Judy brought up is applicable here about the yoke.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

---------- "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)

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