I meant to include the heavenly temple. And Jesus is
the High Priest. This is what Hebrews 8:6 is talking
about a better way. Actually being in heaven with the
original temple and the Jesus the High Priest.


--- Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Susan Petersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> My husband has a theory on the shadow of things to
> come. He says that in
> order for there to be a shadow
> there has to be a real object or person casting that
> shadow. Jesus is the
> real person casting the shadow.
> If we take away the shadow then we take away Jesus
> who is casting that
> shadow. Suzy
> jt: Suzy your husband's theory makes scientific
> sense but when applied to
> the ceremonial system given to Moses on the mount. 
> The real was the
> heavenly sanctuary and Moses was told to make
> everything exactly
> according to the pattern that was given to him ie:
> "On earth there are those who offer gifts according
> to the Law who serve
> a copy and a shadow of the heavenly things, just as
> Moses was warned by
> God when he was about to erect the tabernacle for,
> "See He says that you
> make all things according to the pattern which was
> shown you on the
> mountain" (Exodus 25:40, Hebrews 8:4,5).
> and of the heavenly....
> Therefore it was necessary for the copies of the
> things in the heavens to
> be cleansed with these, but the heavenly things
> themselves with better
> sacrifices than these. For Christ did not enter a
> holy place made with
> hands, a mere copy of the true one, but into heaven
> itself, now to appear
> in the presence of God for us" (Hebrews 9:23,24)
> --- David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Judy wrote:
> > > When I say "Ceremonial Law" I believe you know
> > what I mean
> > > David - The Levitical priesthood, the Temple
> with
> > it's ritual and
> > > sacrifices and all of the feasts which were a
> > shadow of what was
> > > to come.
> > 
> > The problem with defining "ceremonial" with that
> > which is a "shadow" is that 
> > such sometimes causes a person to ignore the law. 
> > If a certain aspect of 
> > the law is a shadow, then we need to look hard and
> > long at it.  For example, 
> > the law concerning Passover should help us
> > understand Christ, since Christ 
> > is the Passover lamb.
> > 
> > The seventh day Sabbath also is a shadow, just
> like
> > Passover.  Does that 
> > mean that you consider the fourth commandment (of
> > the Ten Commandments) to 
> > be ceremonial?  I really do not know how you would
> > answer this.  Your 
> > response is reminiscent of the way that John and
> > some others react to my 
> > questions.  I think my question is honest and
> > sincere and deserves to be 
> > answered.
> > 
> > Peace be with you.
> > David Miller.
> > 
> > p.s.  Have you ever considered that marriage
> itself
> > is a shadow of our 
> > relationship to Christ?  Nobody would argue that
> we
> > should do away with 
> > marriage just because it is a shadow of something
> to
> > come.
> > 
> > 
> > ----------
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