Not if you are the condemned "liberal."  It is your type of thinking that provided the base for hangings and burning crosses  --  but in your mind that is "OK" because you surmise some to be "liberals."   You have no working definition of "liberal" except that it is someone who stands against whatever it is that you believe.  Near as I can see  --  a liberal is someone who reads and is invovled in the search for truth as opposed to one who listens and follows.     I still miss the other Is.



Thanks for the reply, John.  Yes I do see liberals as those who stand against everything I believe. And they do.  So is there something wrong with that? If you want to fix it, please have all the liberals stop supporting abortion, persecuting evangelical and fundamental Christians, using hate tactics against President Bush, promoting class warfare, using fear to separate blacks from whites, and so on and so forth.  Just because I see these wrongs and oppose them does not mean I am a bigot.  It mean I discern between right and wrong. Your definition of liberalism does not fit my reality. I miss the old John. Izzy

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