well now Terry based on your response to Izzy, I'd say that you are reading things into scripture that are not there so you can reject Torah.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Terry Clifton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 12, 2004 10:13
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Trial of Christ

ShieldsFamily wrote:

Terry, Even a blind man reading the 3rd commandment would not think that you
cannot feed hungry animals and children, or change a soiled diaper on a
baby, or minister to the sick. Or you can't eat a handful of grain as you
are walking through a field. That's the kind of thing legalists read into
the "law". The Spirit says love is the overarching rule. You rest in Him,
you think on Him, you love everyone and everything as you do this. Izzy


Sorry Iz. I just read what is there. What you surmise may be true, or may not. Based on what you have just written, who would you think is reading things into the law now?

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