In a message dated 1/4/2005 6:12:59 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

jt: Not even facts out of the pages of the holy writ?

Obviously, I do not believe your facts are biblical.  Sorry.  JD

jt: Not my problem John. Your belief is between you and the Lord but you have
yet to prove anything about my facts. Just because you don't see it does not
qualify it as unbiblical.

Not a problem at all.    I have a 47 year growth rate record proving that God works in my life as surely as He works in yours  ---    errors and all  (for each of us.)  As far as proving you wrong  --   not a possibility.   "Not my problem, John"  ????   Of course it is.  Cerainly not mine --  because they are not my "facts."  So lets talk shop , not this kind of stuff.


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