Lance, You forgot "Genesis and the Big Bang" by Schroeder.
For me the jury is still out, both camps make enough sense that I am undeceidedly leaning young earth.
Life makes warriors of us all.
To emerge the victors, we must arm
ourselves with the most potent of weapons.
That weapon is prayer.
--Rebbe Nachman of Breslov
----- Original Message -----
From: Lance Muir
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2005 7:25
Subject: [TruthTalk] Space/Time - Einstein & Christian Understanding of..

Is there anyone on TT equipped to shorten the conversation on the above?
A short bibliography
Space, Time and Incarnation - Thomas F. Torrance, 1969 T&T Clark
Space, Time and Resurrection - Thomas F. Torrance, 1976 T&T Clark
The Christian Frame of Mine - Reason, Order, and Openness in Theology and Natural Science - Thomas F. Torrance, H&H 1989
Light from the East - Theology, Science, and the Eastern Orthodox Tradition, Fortress Press, 2003
The Elegant UIniverse - Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory - Brian Greene - Vintage 1999, 2003  (See also 2 DVD set from Nova)
Relativity - The Special and the General Theory - A clear explanation that anyone can understand - Albert Einstein - Wings Books - 1916, 1952
The Meaning of Relativity - with a new introduction by Brian Greene - Princeton, 2005
Ideas and Opinions - Albert Einstein - Wings Books - 1954
The Knight's Move - The Relational Logic of the Spirit in Theology and Science - James E. Loder & W. Jim Neidhardt
- H&H, 1992
I seem to recollect that Bill Taylor began to address 'this issue' some time ago.
May I suggest that in 2005 we identify the underlying issue(s) under discussion, lay out an agreed upon framework for genuine engagement then move forward. At least one operative word in all genuine conversation(s) is the word 'interdisciplinary'. Why wouldn't it be? Life itself is interdisciplinary.
IMO individualism is the enemy of the relational. We must be rooted in much, much more than "IMO'.
I thoroughly concur with the founder of TT, David Miller, on setting the bar as high as it needs to be. There are competent people herein so, let's 'stretch' ourselves.
David has put the 'ball in play' on space/time so.........?

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