In a message dated 1/6/2005 4:43:48 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Yea, well....ya gotta take what comes with the job! Some of us, though, refuse to do what "they" tell us to do...
As he learned hayesod (the foundation), you're right...his faith grew stronger. I've seen it happen more times than I can count. Then again, I'm generally surrounded by Messi's! :)

I personally believe that Romans 14 teaches us that a position of faith, if poorly determined,  puts one or keeps one in a saving (hence growth oriented ) relationship with the Master.    I need to be careful here.  My point is not against Messianic (I would hope we would all know this by now).   Rather, in anticipating complaints against Reggie by his own brethren (we do take pleasure in devouring our own)  --   Reggie White was still right.  Verse 4 of that chapter is one of the greatest promises I know  --   and Reggie White was made (by another) to stand.  


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