Again, John has nailed the respective hides to the barn wall. Several on this list claim they are speaking out of love, ala Yeshua. I say that they are decieved and lying when they do this. Why else would they attack Dave Hanson(or any one else) for his beliefs.  I find it weird that when Kay posted a definition of the word Christian and applied it to Dave Hanson along with most others on here several attacked the definition, but failed to provide a different definition when she asked for one.  Far too many here are resorting to the acrimonious street preacher style of voicing their opinions.  WHY?  It certainly serves no purpose and surely is not done in love or in the reflection of our savior. That style is repulsive and turns many more people away from Messiah than draws in. It only shows just how small and petty some can be while hiding behind a false image of Messiah. I pity you petty little people.
Keep up the good work John, I like your style!
Life makes warriors of us all.
To emerge the victors, we must arm
ourselves with the most potent of weapons.
That weapon is prayer.
--Rebbe Nachman of Breslov
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2005 9:51
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Mormon Related #2

Congrats to Key.  I do not mind hearing what DaveH has to say.  We have been told t\more than once that affliliation does not have  a requirement as far as TruthTalk is concerned.  David Miller, a few weeks ago, wrote words to the effect that DaveH was THE model participants.    He  (Hansen) remains on TT dispite all manner of rudeness,    It is as if those who oppose his religious _expression_ of Christ do not care for him.   A terrible thing.  To object to Hansen's shared views is certainly within the scope of this list  --   to present these objections in such a manner as to convey that we do not give a krap about him as a person is beyond the pale.  Kay is has not surrendered to this temptation.  

All of us disagree with the others on very important issues.   The gospel message, the Sonship of Christ, the assertion that works have something to do with GETTING us saved are all issues that I find not only unbiblical but contrary to the biblical message.   False doctrine.   Lies and comments of the Devil.    Wow  !!   At least, that is where I am emotionally.   In the end,   I regard those with such beliefs as brethren.   Dave H has no belief that is more serious to me than those mentioned above.   

I have been forced to look to the heart of those writting and disregard the differences, tone down my objections,  and leave the judgments to God.  Works toward most of you-all   --   should work for Hansen as well, in view of the "confession" he has admitted to.  

So, while some are busy poppin off about which god I serve,  they might look to themselves.     Love and respect of the brethren is a text of partnership between God and man    ---------     but some on this list, no doubt, will figure out a way to avoid that part of the Message. 


In a message dated 1/10/2005 12:13:59 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Slade Henson wrote:
So, you're saying...yes, you believe in multiple gods,

DAVEH:  Yes........does not the Bible suggest likewise?  Look at PS 82:6......
I have said, ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

.......Now, most Protestants will claim that the term god was not used correctly here---that it really means judges (vs 1).  However, IF that were accurate, what logic would prevail for Jesus to use vs 6 as a defense........

Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

...........against those who sought to incriminate him as making himself as God (Jn 10:33).

   So, yes....I believe the Bible supports that there are multiple Gods, but because of the propensity of the Israelites to forget the God who brought them salvation, the emphasis was put on their worship of ONE GOD.
but you only worship only ONE God?

DAVEH:  Yes....Our Heavenly Father.
Or LDS believe in multiple gods and YOU personally only worship/believe in one?

DAVEH:  I/we accept there are many, but I/we worship only one.
Do you think the Trinity doctrine is worshipping three Gods?

DAVEH:  No....not necessarily.  I think the T-Doctrine obfuscates the nature of God so that those who accept the T-Doctrine really don't understand what they do worship.
   For instance.....I believe Jesus has a body of flesh and bones, which the Bible proclaims emphatically.  Yet I can't tell you how many times I've found Protestants find it hard to accept that fact.  I believe it is because they've become steeped in the T-Doctrine suggestion that God is everywhere, but nowhere and is only in spirit form.

   When you think of Jesus, Kay, do you think of him as a living being consisting of a spirit clothed with flesh and bone?  Do you think that characterization compliments the T-Doctrine, or is it in conflict with it?


Slade Henson wrote:
                                                                                                                            All I did was read the definition. As Christian is defined, lots of denominations would be included.
Are you saying that Dave believes in multiple gods?

DAVEH:  Yes...... but I believe we are only to worship one God.  IMHO the Bible supports my belief, but a lot of folks have gotten sidetracked by the T-Doctrine.


Woops...that was me, Dave, not Slade. I forgot to sign it.

I would say LDS folks fall under the Christian category.


Kay, I find it amazing that you believe that a believer in multiple gods is a Christian. How do you figure? izzy

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