From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
John wrote:
You apparently teach that Christ was at one time not the Son.
It is not my teaching, but the teaching of Judy that came via Finis Dake, Adam Clarke, Albert Barnes, etc.
Judy Taylor wrote:
Correction David. This is what I believe at this point but it did not come via the above three souls. It is what I see in the Bible. The only place I see a "Son" in all of the OT is in prophecy. It is always future tense.
DM: Thanks for the correction.  So you had this understanding before you read Finis Dake and shared his notes with us?
jt: Yes, I study God's Word regularly and this is the way I see it in scripture. However, this is subject to change if anyone can show me in the scriptures that I am in error and so far none of the "eternal son" people have done so. 
I guess upon further reflection, I should point out that it is not that Christ was once never the son, because there was no Christ or Messiah before he was born of the woman.  More properly, it might be said that there was a time when the Logos was not the Son of David, was not the Son of Man, was not the Son of God, was not the Christ, was not Messiah, was not Yeshua, was not Jesus, and was not Emmanuel, etc.  He became all these things through the miracle of the incarnation.  Is that how you see it Judy?
jt: Yes
Grace and Peace,

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