Yeah, that's pretty funny, Terry.
Do I value my opinion too highly? I hope not! The truth is that I spend most of my time feeling very inadequate about my thoughts and opinions; I feel like I have failed to communicate what I really wanted to say. I place this burden upon myself; I feel responsible for your lack of understanding. O if I could just say it better, you would understand. And so I write it out again from a slightly different starting point, hoping that this time I will get it said. But again I am misunderstood. The truth is, Terry, you can say what you want, and you can draw your own conclusions. And if you want to poke a little fun at me, that is fine; I'll laugh along with you. But I would like to respectfully challenge you on this one, because there has been no failure on my part or the part of John Smithson and others to set this teaching forth in clear and cogent language. If you do not understand; it is because you do not want to understand. If you cannot see it; it is because you do not want to see it. The burden for this one is on your shoulders: Why are you so bent on going against that which has been upheld and set forth and cherished as orthodoxy by the church throughout the centuries of its existence? What reason do you have that is good enough for you to do that?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Whose Names are Written in the Lambs Book of Life?

Bill Taylor wrote:
Now let me give you and example of your caricatures from a recent post? However, this is subject to change if anyone can show me in the scriptures that I am in error and so far none of the "eternal son" people have done so. While I admit that on this occasion the infraction is slight, it does stand as an example of a caricature. I have written at length in the last few weeks explaining the orthodox doctrine of Christ and the relational nature of our the triune God. I have deliberately refrained from doing a lot of outsourcing. I have stuck to the exegesis Scripture to make this clear, even though there is some really wonderful, and informative, and authoritative stuff out there from which to draw, and I have done this because I know that you, if you are to see the light, will only see it via an exposition of Scripture. And Judy, don't deceive yourself: I have stated it in a coherent and cogent way. You have no excuse for not understanding. This doctrine has stood the test of time. It is essential to a right understanding of God.
You probably feel that this is an accurate statement, Bill.  There is a long shot possibility that you have nailed it, but another  reason why she cannot understand your viewpoint may very well be that you value your own opinion too highly and are actually in error.  After all, if you were correct, wouldn't David and I agree with you?

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