myth [neither of you are more interestd than, e.g., John Calvin in Christ; e.g., in your era neither of you demonstrate any measurable positive influence on your own town let alone upon unknown nations in the eras to come; however, you both reflect high degrees of contemporary holier than thou religious arrogance...writing for you's like feedin' strawberries to jackass while, by contrast, (e.g.) the French, to whom Calvin wrote via their King (in the intro to his  'Institutes') initiatd an ongoing global response to Calvin himself that amazed even the Durants..Calvin's*, like Augustine's, and like John Milton's, who in addition to _Paradise Lost_ wrote some of the greatest poetry ever (he was also a Puritan, and a blind man, and, e.g., if you're interestd in the biblical Samson and 'blindness', read Milton's _Samson Agonistes', 40+ pages of brilliantly written 17th c. English that typifies all of his work), *is always listd among the most influential lit ever..the proof of his (and their) ongoing exceptional influence is in your email drivel which often, similarly parallels the hatreds of their contemporaries]
On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 10:49:28 -0500 "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
jt: [there's] so little interest in God's Word.
>You are quite right about this.

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