On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 11:13:53 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
This is not the case, Judy  --   at least not by me or Bill   --  two of your favoite digs. 
jt: Not so John - You and Bill are two of the worst. All of the accusations concerning hypocrisy and plagiarism are not that far into the past. You do a lot of mocking and joking.  Bill is more serious but he has been just as accusing. 
When we come back on you,  it is simply out of frustration with your harang. 
jt: So what you and Bill do is basically my fault huh?  And you deny there was a fall in Eden John?
Lord knows that some of what I have/will present on this forum is "far out" or different, no less so that some of your thinking.   The problem for me and Bill is the opening (usually) volley.   Your first sentence or two sets the tone of your comment.   It says loud and clear that you are not interested in the exchange of ideas. 
jt: But this is what we are doing here isn't it? Exchanging ideas? The very fact that I read and respond to what you write is validation enough isn't it? I can't help it if you don't like my response.
 It seems as though that you are only here to protect the "truth".   Perry is one who has this idea, as well, when it comes to Mormonism.  But the difference is, as I can see, Perry's "negative" comments are pretty much related to the discussion itself and not addressed to the character of those with whom he is discussing. 
jt: Mine are also addressed to the discussion John. I challenge you to find comments by me that are tearing down yours or anyone elses person.

Seriously, go to your posts and look at how you open.   I would think that if I was a poorly thought out as you suppose, that you would approach me with some degree of love/respect/commonality  (whatever).  
jt: John I believe it is your own insecurity speaking because I have never said anything like what you write above and I don't believe I have approached you in disrespect even when we don't agree.
 Now, you can either fire back with criticism of me or you can stop with the attiutde and contribute.  
jt: I am blissfully unaware of "the attitude" John.. but I will pray about it. BTW how is it you are so understanding regarding Jonathan and Bill's erruptions and you've not ever said anything about Jeff. To me what they evidence is more of "an attitude" at least that's the way we understand such things around here.  I've yet to lose my peace.
 Absolutely no one on this forum thinks of you as not being a worthy opponent.   But we get tired or angry (that would be me) with your continued ex[ressed attitude of distain.  
jt: That attitude is a figment John. I would say Ellsman was the one with the "attitude of disdain" and he made no secret of it. I do not disdain anyone, believer or unbeliever whether or not I agree with them. I understand that we are all what we are by the grace of God and noone has yet arrived so far that I know of.

Two things have happened to me since the first of the year that has helped me.   I made myself stop and get some things worked out.   Some of my impatience actually stemmed from my frustration of not knowing what I believe.   Changes, due to being on this forum, inpart, were not put into my soul  --  my thoughts and theology were over here and the changes were over there.   I solved that problem last week.   AND, I did recommit to being at peace  --   writing to the list with a smile on my rather handsome face  --  giving weight to the notion that "the kid (in me) is back ! !"
jt: That's good John ...

No one here would mind learning from you  -   but in order to be an effective teacher, one must be patient.   Easy to do if one believes in the subtle and inward working of God in addition to the teacher's efforts.    God Bless  John
jt: Actually I'm not looking to be a "teacher" per se. I am here to share God's Word and hopefully to fellowship around same.  Grace and Peace jht

In a message dated 1/15/2005 3:06:33 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I get ridiculed no matter what I say John so

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