as obsrvd and as confrmd in the TT archivs, below, in your words, the  KJV is your hermeneutic;howevr, your theory of it is what your exclusive methods of interpretation allow--sometihn like the fury and fusion of cult swagger swill and imperialism
On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 17:07:45 -0500 Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
the KJV is written at the 10th Grade level
On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 14:20:27 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
what is your hermeneutic? so far, the archival pic is of a cultic ideology influential over peasant, perhaps ~8th grade expertise)
On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 13:58:51 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Judy Taylor
Sent: Saturday, 15 January, 2005 11.53
Subject: [TruthTalk] What is a Christian?

Gary reads things into my posts that I don't say

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