Jeff Powers wrote:
I also have to comment on Davids mention  of LAW.
Considering that most here reject God's Law, you are all a bunch of Lawless individuals, so why do we now need the "Laws of David"? It's obvious that no one here is obedient to God (I include myself) as He expects it, so what makes anyone think that they are going to obey "the David's Law"?  I said in my last post that I recon several will be exempt from the "LAW".  The David say's, "The law is for the lawless..." yet time will tell. I'm sure we will see a few pets continue to get away with whatever they want.
  On another note, the language issue is ridiculous!  Consider the historical examples, writers from the beginning of written languages have always been careful and creative to use euphemisims, and have been careful to not upset the masses with questionable language. The uptight "Moral Majority" (didn't that come from our friend, Jerry Falwell?) is laughable in light of the evidence!  Consider this, if Yeshua appeared today as the Bible tells of his earthly walk and ministry, what would his Talmidim be like?
  Lets see now, some commercial fishermen, I'm telling ya, these saints certainly don't talk like most of you would call acceptable language. How about the crooked IRS agent? Or maybe the renegade, rebellious biker with the right cause but the wrong methods? (OK so thats a little far out there, but Judas Iscariot strikes me as a biker)
  What do they all have in common?  A down to earth manner of speech that at times is coarse.  In fact, do you REALLY think Yeshua only said,"You Vipers..." as it has come down to us?   I don't because he was making a very strong point and "viper" just doesn't cut it when talking to the types he was talking to. To think otherwise is to have ones head in the sand. 
Let me speak from experience Jeff.  At one time I was a fisherman.  At one time my speech was coarse.  At that time I was not a disciple.  When I became a disciple my speech changed.  That speech was the world's speech.  I am a new creature now, no longer do I use the methods of the world to communicate feelings or thoughts.  I would think the first  disciples did the same. 
Just a thought, for what it's worth.

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