From: "Slade Henson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I believe God allowed for ad hominem. "You vipers!" "You hypocrites!" I
think those may have even been swear words back then, too.
Respectfully disagree. Jesus may have looked like us but he sure didn't act
like us.  The above were statements of fact and his judgments are righteous.
Sorry David, but you haven't changed my mind...there is a big difference
between government and babysitting. And TT Moderation is not government,
IMO.  Kay
Since we are obviously failing to self-govern we have the choice of government
(babysitting) or anarchy so this is actually for our own good. We could all find
plenty of websites who would be glad to entertain with flaming and scatology
but this is certainly not my choice as a follower of Christ and I can't understand
why some want to fight for the right to use this kind of speech. Can you explain
it to me if you understand Kay?
Kay wrote:
> Personally, I think having to have a babysitter for
> a group of adults is one of the most ridiculous things
> I've heard of....especially amongst those who
> would call themselves brethren...
It not a babysitter.  It is government.  God has ordained government for the
church as well as for the world.
The law is for the lawless, so don't break the law and we won't need the
law, nor will we need to enforce it.  :-)
Peace be with you.
David Miller.
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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