On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 13:47:19 -0500 "Gregory A. Hession J.D." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
    Unity is the show of love DESPITE not saying the same thing in the theological details, because on the main issue of following Christ we are saying the same thing.   It is not a rational or scriptural goal to aspire to get everyone to agree with ones self.   The goal, rather, should be to live a life of grace and mercy in Christ: that is what is required.  Then, it won't matter if a brother disagrees, because we won't be in the frame of mind to be disagreeable about it.
I don't know that this is true Gregory; the question I have is "who is this Christ, who is Jesus?" He appears to be chameleon like amongst those who profess to be His disciples, and He is the main issue - would you agree?
He is the Truth and on this list there is little agreement about what truth consists of. He is the Way, you will hear all kinds of different ways on TT. He is the Life, what kind of life?  Physical or spiritual, sometimes it's hard to tell. The apostle Paul wrote to the church at Philippi "let us walk by the same rule, let us mind the same thing" - this is the kind of unity we need - right now we are not all saying the same thing.   jht
In a message dated 1/15/2005 2:54:46 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

jt: Three hits Gregory - Unity will happen when we are all saying the same thing which unfortunately is not a reality right now.  We used to sing Ps 133 at a Church I went to.. Behold how good and how pleasant it is, for brethren to dwell together in unity... Amen!!   judyt

Huh???   We will never have unity based upon "all saying the same thing ...."   Unity is based upon each recognizing the servant/Master relationship and giving honor and space to that circumstance.  A practice of the principles of Romans 14  (esp. v 4) would solve nearly all of the ranker problems on this forum..   But that ain't going to happen either.    I could be wrong  ---   but probably not.  Jd

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