Thank you, Judy, for the love you have shown me in this post. It's clear you've spent a lot of time and prayer before writing. Your time and effort is appreciated.
-----Original Message-----
From: Judy Taylor
Sent: Sunday, 16 January, 2005 18.16
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Avram & Yosef

Slade if I were you I would re-evaluate this gift because I do not believe it comes from the Spirit of God.  Accusation  always originates with the enemy and the ability you claim you have to feel or hear and discern the tone behind the words people use always leads to accusing others which tears down rather than builds up.  I have been on the other end of this too many times and I can say with a "clear conscience" before the Lord and before everyone on this list that there is no venom, I don't ask trick questions and I don't bait people.  I may communicate on an 8-10th grade level (as Gary claims) but I have no desire to walk in guile or to participate in the hidden things of darkness.  What I write to this list is as honest and up front as I can be by the grace of God.  judyt

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