CHA CHING!!!!!!!!!!

What is the going price? You could not pay me enough to go stand there and take the abuse. Especially from the older Priesthood holders they tend to go beyond vulgar with their language! Another words I have to listen to them curse a blue streak.

David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> "from my limited experience, it seems to be the SOP
>> for some street preachers. That's why I am so curious
>> about why some of them go to the lengths they do in
>> decrying the LDS Church during Conference time in
>> SLC twice a year. IF they really understood the
>> Mormon mentality, I can't believe they would use such
>> tactics to try to convert us away from Mormonism.
>> What they do there only drives us closer together,
>> rather than apart."

Kevin Deegan wrote:
> Since it is so ineffective I would think you would
> be starting a SP school so you could help drive
> all those members together! Besides it proves the
> church is true!

Kevin has a point here, Dave. If the Street Preachers are driving the LDS
members closer together, shouldn't you be happy about that? Maybe the LDS
organization should be paying the Street Preachers to come to your
conferences. :-)

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)

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