Jeff wrote:
> I know I sin and I admit it, just
> like nearly everyone else here.

I do not believe that everyone else here consciously, actively sins every 
day in thought, word and deed.

Jeff wrote:
> Yet for most reading this thread,
> your answer (see below) places you
> above everyone else.

Not from my perspective.  I am a sinner saved by grace, just like everybody 

Jeff wrote:
> I am sure I'm not the only one who
> reads your answer to be that you
> claim to be sinless.

I do not claim to be sinless, unless by sinless you mean that I do not 
continue to sin.  From my perspective, the word "sinless" means that I would 
no longer have sin residing in my flesh and would not need the cleansing of 
the blood of Christ or work of the Holy Spirit to walk in holiness.

Jeff wrote:
> However, you tap-danced around John's
> direct question in a manner that allows
> you to answer with a non-answer.

I do not believe that I tap-danced around anything.  I answered his 
questions sincerely and to the best of my ability.  If I appeared to you to 
tap dance around the question, it is probably because we have different 
definitions of words.  For example, perhaps you define sinless differently 
than I do.  That is why I asked you to define it, but you never did.

Your comments are getting personal and impugning my integrity.  Please stick 
with the subject at hand.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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