Maybe a better illustration of the RESPONSE than the 11pm witness, might be to tie a tract to a rock and throw it thru the window. It is shocking to most peoples sensibilities, the rock may be wrong but to simply preach God's word, it is commanded

David, do you think I was saying any of the following?

1. All cultural norms are right and supersede biblical norms.
2. The message of the Good News will never conflict with cultural norms.
3. We should not expect the acceptance of the Good News to change cultural

I wasn't. What I meant to say: Sometimes the very medium will conflict with
cultural norms (e.g. Jesus conversing with the woman at the well), but if we
have a choice of violating or respecting a cultural norm while still
communicating the Good News, we should choose the latter and expect it to be
more effective. Should I go through the phone book and call people at 11
p.m. to witness to them? Why not? I am saying that a lot of street preaching
probably feels like that to many people. That's all.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 6:31 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] What is a Christian?

Debbie wrote:
> I still believe that cultural appropriateness matters.

Somebody forgot to teach Jesus and his disciples this principle.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

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