Dave Hansen wrote:

DAVEH: I generally do not discuss outside the temple, that which we do in the temple, other than to acknowledge some of the ordinances and the reasons we do them. As you may appreciate, even when not directly discussing these matters in TT, there seems to be great enthusiasm by some to discredit LDS theology, and disparage those of us who practice it. What would be the point of me sharing my beliefs with you or other TTers? While it may satisfy your curiosity, more likely it would invite some to attack me for what I believe. And...why would you think I should do that? Would TTers treat me any kinder or respect me more, should I answer questions pertaining to that which I view as sacred? From my past and current experiences in TT....I sadly do not think so..... :-(

Mornin' Dave. I just read what you wrote above, and a couple of thoughts crossed my mind. The first is that every Christian can expect to be mocked or persecuted for telling others what they believe. The next was that we are told to be ready anytime, anywhere to tell anyone what we believe, and finally, we are to let our light shine, not hide it under a bushel.

If you believe that you have the truth, tell it. Be ready to defend your position if it is defensable.
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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