Thanks I thought he was talking about that song from Mary Popins!

Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tencious and blunt maybe but supercillious??  I don't pick up any air of superiority about Kevin at all. Are you aware Lance that ppl like him turned England around during the 18th Century. These men were evangelists who were not wealthy or highly connected; they didn't have money to buy adherents or family influence to command attention and respect.  They did Christ's work the old apostolic way. They were bold and did not fear the face of man. I've read that the ppl in high places made it known that they despised them. The educated class sneered at them as fanatics; the humorists made jokes and invented sarcastic names for them, and the Church of England shut the doors and gave them the cold shoulder..
These men preached fervently and directly proclaiming the words of faith with faith.  They taught the corruption of human nature rather than the modern notion that Christ is in every man and that all possess something good within that just needs stirring up - their first step toward making men good was to show them that they were bad..  The reformers of the 18th century taught that Christ's death upon the cross was the ONLY satisfaction for man's sin.... and they turned England around.  The Truth will make men free... Why stone the messenger?
Have you heard Kevin preach to the Mormons in Salt Lake City Lance?  jt
On Thu, 3 Feb 2005 08:11:43 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Kevin says: 'They will not change by skilled reasoning.' Please describe the nature of the content of your own posts, Kevin.
Are we witnessing the wisdom of God or, the wisdom of Kevin? If a Mormon I, I'd be quite unmoved. On the whole they
(your arguments) are quite supercillious.
They will not change by skilled reasoning. God's way is

For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.

Try it Please God, get some saved
It works, we have had many saved and join a local congregation in SLC

Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
**note subject change**
I'm aware of organizations who call themselves 'Ex-Mormons for Jesus.' I have audio lectures delivered by such persons. The circumstances underlying their 'change' are many and, varied. 
Are there organizations who call themselves 'Ex-evangelicals (now Mormon) for Jesus? Will someone tell us of them by name. I'd like to hear their 'story'.
Do you all realize how unlikely it is, naturally speaking, that persons occupying a faith tradition antithetical to yours will ever leave it? My goodness, just look at the conversations BETWEEN 'professing' believers. Some put forward skilled and articulate arguments for ...(whatever). When did you last see someone respond with, 'by jove I believe I'll change my mind on this!'? It hasn't happened and it ain't gonna happen.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: February 03, 2005 06:59
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Prayer in Evangelism

The truth horns are for large crowds or areas with lots of Noise
Did you see the presidents State of the Union address?
Is that the only legitimate use of amplification?
Free Speech carries with it the right to be heard.

Charles Perry Locke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My question to Blaine was in response to his knocking SP's, particularly
those at the LDS GC and their methods. I thought it would be interesting to
find out what he thinks would be the best way to evangelize Mormons. While
sending out missionaries two by may two work in peoples homes, it is not
practical in a public open-air setting. Dave brought up prayer and
bullhorns. Prayer is not how the Bible tells us people come to faith. While
I believe tht praying for those you wish to come to faith is useful, Paul
tells us that preaching is the way people hear the word of God. Paul made
good on this himself, as did most of the Aposles. As for bullhorns, I must
agree that if someone came into my house with a bullhorn and began to
preach, I would not like it. But, if they needed to be heard over background
noise, hecklers, or other noise in an outdoor setting, I think bullhorns are
a good tool.


>Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Prayer in Evangelism
>Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2005 16:28:38 -0700
>there are *evangelical approaches to evangelizing* on which not all
>evangelicals are agreeing, so what is *evangelical evangelizing*?
>..also, how many street preachers involved in the SLC events discussed on
>TT are evangelical/s?
>e.g., what about Kevin's position on 'evangelicals'; maybe he prefers to
>be understood in a non-evangelical category
>..well, ftr perhaps Perry would delve into the background of his question
>to BB, below(?)
>also, ppl like Kevin, perhaps other street preachers, too, will want to
>distinguish themselves on this underlying issue--we'll see
>On Wed, 02 Feb 2005 07:09:34 -0800 Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > DAVEH: Perry, I assume your reply means you really are not looking
> > for an answer to your question posed at the very bottom[*] know how
> > to *evangelize* Mormons.
>[*]>>>>>>Blaine, please tell us what *evangelical approach* would
> >>>>>>>work best with Mormons, especially at the General Conference.

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