This moderation stuff is a farce, it is never applied even handedly
I could care less what someone calls me get some skin;  Sissies
Can anyone pretend that Izzy & Judy have been treated fairly as far as moderation recently?
No answeres from those that have TWO STANDARDS pleaze.
The thing that bugs me is it's hypocritical nature
AND Uneven application: lazez faire for some, rigid for others
Seems I am fair game for your Girly Rule also
Sticks & Stones may hurt my bones C'MON
I have been in riots, why worry about being called a "Jerk"
Most important is whether the accusations Fit.
The Ad Hom Rule causes more problems than it fixes
Puke makes me sick

ShieldsFamily <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ShieldsFamily
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 8:45 AM
To:; 'David Miller'
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] On occupying antithetical positions

 G, if you want to post an “ad hominem” on me, go right ahead.  Where did we get all these new rules about re-stating what was said as to be more politically correct?  And you want me to apologize for quoting Jesus?  Jesus referred to those who trample the holy underfoot as dogs and swine metaphorically.  Please take that issue up with Him. To me it means don’t try arguing anyone into heaven.  It could also refer to those who treat the Brethren badly.  Izzy

Matthew 7:6  Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.

 PS Please unsubscribe me until such time as Gary is no longer Moderator.  Thank you.

Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 6:53 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] On occupying antithetical positions

ok, Iz - if that original post at the bottom of this one is yours, please revise it and re-post it minus the backhanded ad hominem reference to Mormons as 'swine'; JC used a much wiser application of that pejorative term than you give him credit for, so please include an apology to all affected parties to your post--to the Lord himself, to the public, to TT, paritc the Mormons, also, to the SPs on whom the posted language slops

 please post the apology w/i 24 hours (by 6p MST, 2/4/05) and publically agree to refrain from deploying any NT language as a scathing, false public embarassment of other TT posters

 if you wish to engage ad hominem on the terms of the previous post, mine, you may do so at your earliest convenience, but not w/o addressing the foregoing requests, and timely


On Thu, 3 Feb 2005 18:15:08 -0600 "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

G, could you repeat the question? Iz


Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 5:30 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] On occupying antithetical positions

Iz: below is a post which a few ppl will appreciate--many won't; is it your's?

 toward grasping its 'thoughtlessness': thoughtless in its context is bound up in ir/responsibility; initially it may be defined this way:

 skillfully divorcing the intense thinking behind a public post, IOW, divorcing the authorship qualities required to post it, from the emotions generated in its perhaps captive, perhaps captivated, readers..

 the underlying issue, cloaked, is culpability--avoiding it--perhaps decisively, pre-emptively rejecting responsibility for the outcome of its intent manifest in 'careful' wording and structure..its point/s (are?) 

 for this 'thoughtlessness' the author uses Jesus--acc to many of us here, Jesus himself was speaking, possesses some original literary expertise in his carefully worded generic manner in the sermon quoted; however, the author of your post:) lifted these words of His, applying them directly to Mormons in a widening TT, public conversation

the outcome: v nasty feelings/responses, partic while average public readers can realize that emotional 'blood' spills unnecessarily yet easily with no culpability intended by the author as accountable to the author...

e.g., while the author senses no accountability to Jesus, how is the author accountable to the reader/s? far, there's no mention of ad hominem in the foregoing analysis because i want people to wrap their brains around the essentials of 'it'..forget the Latin which may be confusing, perhaps even the main myth of TT--this myth needs to be demythologized!

the demythologizing of ad hominem includes wanting ppl to back off of each other, on their own, as a matter of respect and/or tolerance

('unity' is a different issue)

let this author sink in, and, while his message appears to be sinking, he won't render a verdict or send a recommendation (to DavidM) re:  E.g., authorship of  ad hominem

..also, ftr, you (and anybody else interested) have an opportunity, now, to counter the assumptions you see in the comments, ideas above; a debate, for whatever reason/s, on ad hominem towards its ultimate clarification and meaning is fine, please speak your piece now, publically please, and peacefully (e.g., take time to think abt why you're responding to this author/post before you post it:)


On Thu, 3 Feb 2005 08:15:24 -0600 "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Do you all realize how unlikely it is, naturally speaking, that persons occupying a faith tradition antithetical to yours will ever leave it? My goodness, just look at the conversations BETWEEN 'professing' believers. Some put forward skilled and articulate arguments for ...(whatever). When did you last see someone respond with, 'by jove I believe I'll change my mind on this!'? It hasn't happened and it ain't gonna happen.

 At some point SP’s efforts to evangelize hardened mormons are violating Jesus commandment below. They shouldn’t be surprised when they are torn to pieces. Izzy

 Matthew 7:6  Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.



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