I am not trying to bash G
Due to the recent bashing of Judy & Izzy I am probably overacting to his silence and thinking here we go again.

David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Kevin wrote:
> This moderation stuff is a farce, it is never applied
> even handedly ...

Kevin, please be patient. Gary has just taken over the moderation of the
list, and he has not issued any reprimand yet, so lighten up. He solicited
discussion of his perspective concerning Izzies post and I hope that we can
perhaps do that. My perspective is like yours, that Izzy was simply
applying a Biblical passage to your activity with the Mormons. I don't see
anything ad hominem about it, and I hope to be given the opportunity to
discuss why. In a nutshell, she did not attack the character of any
specific TruthTalk member. She referred to "hardened Mormons."

Kevin wrote:
> The Ad Hom Rule causes more problems
> than it fixes. Puke makes me sick

I have been communicating on electronic forums since before there was a
public internet, back when we had dial-up Bulletin Board Systems and 1200
baud modems was considered fast. I have had two lists that were unmoderated
during the last five years. I ended up having to take them down. My
experience leads me to appreciate light moderation and the no ad hominem
argument rule.

I believe that the "no ad hominem rule" is helpful, but it must be even
handedly applied. This is VERY difficult for any moderator. It takes work
and practice. Furthermore, the distinction between attacking the personal
character of a member and attacking a religious sect or doctrine is
sometimes difficult for some people to grasp. Without this distinction, it
creates some confusion, which is what we are experiencing now. Please be
patient and give our new moderator some time. Thanks.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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