Gary wrote:
> myth (she cloaked in email a backhanded swipe
> at Mormons, by name, via manipulation of JCs
> word/s--there is no truthful way she can trace
> her 'artful' conclusion to the mind of Christ--
> some good advice may be cancel trying to make
> a silk purse out of a sow's ear:)

Cloaked?  Are we talking about the same cat here?

Izzy says what she means.  I don't see where she cloaked anything.  Izzy 
believes that Mormons are a cult group in error, and that they might be 
compared to the swine that Jesus spoke about when he warned of not casting 
pearls before them.  She is free to express this opinion on TruthTalk.  The 
Mormons have been here for years.  They know that there are people here who 
think this about them.  Izzy has as much right to speak this way about 
Mormons as an atheist would have to deride Christians as being delusional.

What we have here is a disagreement here between you and Izzy about how the 
passage of Jesus applies to Mormons.  The problem is that rather than 
dealing with your disagreement, you are the one cloaking your disagreement 
by asking her to apologize for her post.  You are actually the one 
committing the ad hominem attack in this situation.  Rather than talking 
about how Izzy's Biblical interpretation is incorrect from your perspective, 
you attack her character and her method of argumentation.

The ad hominem rule concerns only attacking a specific list member.  It is 
meant to keep discussions from degrading into a one on one personal spat. 
Criticism of doctrines and sects is allowed.  Applying Scriptures to 
specific situations of hardened Christians or hardened Mormons is not only 
allowed, it is encouraged.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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