John wrote:
> The Bible, the 66 books,  was determined
> by  ............................................ well, as a
> matter of fact, the RCC, was it not?

No.  The RCC did not exist as a separate sect until about 1054.  If you want 
to pick some modern sect of Christianity, the Eastern Orthodox would be a 
better pick than the RCC, but if we are going to be objective, there were 
not any major denominations before 1054.

John wrote:
> via the councils of the 3030-400's.

These councils were not in Rome.  They were in Nicea, near Constantinople, 
Turkey, the seat of the Eastern churches.

John wrote:
> Never thought about that before.   And KJV
> was the product of (ultimately) the Episcopal
> brothers.  I kind a think that is funny  (but true.)

Why is it funny?  The English language did not exist back in the fourth 

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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