SEE Bottom of page it says Bill Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So who wrote it?

Bill Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
No, Bill didn't say these things. But that doesn't really matter, does it? You have made your point. It is time to let it go now, Kevin.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 5:45 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Cult behavior

BILL says Romans 14 and I Cor 13 are two passages of scripture written for the express purpose of showing us how to get along in the face of doctrinal and personal disagreements.
KD says Romans 14 & 1 Co 13 have nothing to do with it they have to do with brethren not heathen AND they are disputes over things that are not condemned in scripture.Dealing with meat offered to idols is different than dealing with the Idolatry itself. You misapply the text.
BILL says What Dr. Mouw is doing is the only true Christian response to the Mormon Church  --  at this time and with these present circumstances. 
KD says How exactly IS DOCTOR Mouw doing the only true Christian thing?
Can you provide scriptural basis for this or is there some other Authority you look to?
BILL says He knows full well that he does not speak for the larger Christian Church. 
KD says Then who is this "WE have sinned" group? Was he speaking for you? In the use of WE, he did talk for ALL Evangelicals, who appointed him the Evangelical POPE? He has upset many many Evagelicals and has had to backpeddle numerous times since the original comments.
Bill says More than one fellowship within the Larger Church has been accepted in spite of questionable beginnings. ...
KD says Are you saying that everyone is a Christian?
Mormons are christian? Mormons are within the church and are to be fellowshiped with?
How does Eph 5:11 square with this philosophy? And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them
KD Paul at Athens?
Did Paul get a booth at the market to build bridges with them?
 Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry. KD Was he grieved sore? What meaneth "spirit stirred in him"?
Therefore disputed he in the synagogue with the Jews
Are you saying "disputed" in the Word of God should have been translated Dialoged?
Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said
so he stands in the midst of a hill and says? Could this have been preaching verses 22 tru 31 sure sounds like a sermon to me.
TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you.
Thats the way to dialog, tell them they are IGNORANT Paul!
How about at:
Philippi, we were bold in our God to speak unto you the gospel of God with much contention.
Thessalonica set all the city on an uproar
Ephesus, whole city was filled with confusion
Why did paul say Miletus he sent to Ephesus, and called the elders of the church ...
after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.
Therefore WATCH not Sleep, WATCH not Dialog.
Disputing Preaching, calling names, Much Contention, uproars, confusion a far cry from DiaLOGing!
I think you better check your Bible version to see if this is what it says.

BILLsays Dr. Mouw is to be honored, in my book,  in view of the fact that he seeks only a dialogue on this issue of fellowship.
KD says NO Fellowship with evil Millions are in Hell right now probably looking for Joe.
Mouw has given his assent to the LDS they love it they talk about it, even DaveH has brought it up. It did not alert them at all to their precarious state but instead grants authority to them being OK Every Mormon walked out of the Tabernacle Just as LOST as they walked in, what a lost opportunity. Some of the words used actually were turned around to the Mormonspeak version to actually confirm Mormine doctrine such as we will be married in heaven. This occured because of poor understanding on the speakers part. And if you are getting a LARGE sum of Money you would not say anything upsetting. Maybe he should have started out like Paul "YE IGNORANTLY WORSHIP"!
Bill Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
John wrote  >  Romans 14 and I Cor 13 are two passages of scripture written for the express purpose of showing us how to get along in the face of doctrinal and personal disagreements.  What Dr. Mouw is doing is the only true Christian response to the Mormon Church  --  at this time and with these present circumstances.   He knows full well that he does not speak for the larger Christian Church.  He has no intention of compromising what he or anyone else believes and has been very clear on that point.  More than one fellowship within the Larger Church has been accepted in spite of questionable beginnings. ... Dr. Mouw is to be honored, in my book,  in view of the fact that he seeks only a dialogue on this issue of fellowship.   He is doing what Paul did in Athens.   Nothing more and nothing less. He is clearly exemplifying the character of Christ in these matters.  

Well stated, John. By the way, I had Mouw in an apologetics class. I wish everyone who is disparaging him now could have sat with me then in that class. They would have a much better context through which to interpret his statements to the LDS; they may even be able to understand what he was attempting to say -- perhaps even agree with it :>) That course can be purchased on tape through Fuller Theological Seminary, if you are interested; Lance may even sell it, too(?) It is really good.
Oh, and your statement above seems to me to have much in common with David's response to g, concerning tolerance and its right place in the church and our Lord's economy. 
Good stuff,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 7:18 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Cult behavior

In a message dated 2/9/2005 4:52:34 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Unity with error is subversion to God
Community with error is Complicity with error
God has commanded that we identify and avoid or separate from error

A recent example of complicity, is the president of Fuller Mouw which waxes worse &worse decieving & being decieved
He is trying to build bridges to LDS thru dialog
Yet he is being used by the LDS who desparately want to be accepted as Christians AS IS to validate themselves.
His basis for acceptance and reference for doctrinal beliefs is Stephen Robinson a BYU Professor. Robinson puts forth an "unorthodox" LDS theology which soundfs good to Mouw 
At the same time the GA's write off Robinson as Liberal intellectuals thereby distancing themselves from his unathorized Theology but gaining the benefit of the blessed peace of Evangelical support
A number of LDS media have quoted Mouw for support

There is no unity apart from "error."   The recent and not subtle Miller Four debackle manifest in their inability to agree (even among themselves) on a comprehensive doctrinal listing is,yet, another proof (yes, I said "proof") that unity is not based on creedal concepts. 

Romans 14 and I Cor 13 are two passages of scripture written for the express purpose of showing us how to get along in the face of doctrinal and personal disagreements.  What Dr. Mouw is doing is the only true Christian response to the Mormon Church  --  at this time and with these present circumstances.   He knows full well that he does not speak for the larger Christian Church.  He has no intention of compromising what he or anyone else believes and has been very clear on that point.  More than one fellowship within the Larger Church has been accepted in spite of questionable beginnings.   More than one fellowship within the Larger Church remains in spite of skewed ideas and differing expressions of faith.  If the Miller Four cannot arrive at a doctrinally agreeable listing  --  it is little wonder that no else can either.   

The fact of the matter is this  ---   we are individually servants of a Another.   The vegetarian and the holy day brother in Romans 14 WERE DOCTRINALLY WRONG  -  and you only substitute your truth for the biblical message when you (and I mean "anyone") respond by arguing that meats and special days were not "important" doctrines of the day.   Romans 14 gives us the inspired reason for accepting others as they stand in faith with Christ.   And I Cor 13 gives us sign posts as we move to align our attitude with Christ's in dealing with disagreements.  

Dr. Mouw is to be honored, in my book,  in view of the fact that he seeks only a dialogue on this issue of fellowship.   He is doing what Paul did in Athens.   Nothing more and nothing less. He is clearly exemplifying the character of Christ in these matters.  


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