On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 09:54:23 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
In a message dated 2/14/2005 1:00:46 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
jt: You completely negate the ministry of the Holy Spirit in all of this Bill.  Jesus gave no qualifications having to do with language when he said the Comforter would reveal truth to His disciples and it is my belief that He is able to give understanding to all who are in Christ Jesus whether or not they know Hebrew and Greek.regardless.

JD: You know,  I am completely confused, here.   Did not Judy -  just a couple of days ago  --  give us a lesson in Greek?  Quoting and writing about Greek meaning and implications? 
jt: Not me JD, you are mistaken.  I make no pretense of being a Gk scholar but at times I do look up words in Strongs Concordance.
JD: But more than this,  how is it that in your thinking,  Judy,  God's Spirit cannot work through hermeneutics and contextual  studies of the original text? 
jt: I guess He can if He wants to but where does one find an "original text?"
We are told to study to show ourselves approved  ....   Surely God is at work in this diligent "paying of attention."   Paul suggests that God's Indwelling has everything to do with all that we might do in working out this thing we call salvation.   John
jt: to me "studying to show ourselves approved" has more to do with "rightly dividing the Word of Truth" and being a "doer of the Word" rather than a deceived hearer only.

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