Great post, David.

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2005 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Jesus' Nature

> Judy wrote:
> > Why would Jesus have to come with the
> > human tendency to sin?
> Because those he came to save have a tendency to sin.  Jesus had to enter
> through the door of the flesh.  We know how we can walk because he gave us
> his perfect example.  If he was some alien instead, then how he lived was
> only for him and not for us.  On the other hand, because I know that he
> made like me, then the life he lived is the life that I can live.  He
> condemned sin in the flesh for me.
> Judy wrote:
> > Jesus the second Adam did not have Romans 7:17
> > type sin indwelling him either for if he had he would
> > have been ineligible as a sacrifice for he would not
> > have been a "spotless Lamb"
> The Rabbi's did not perform any internal inspections on the Passover
> They only looked on the outside of the lamb.  The term "spotless" refers
> no black hairs found on the body of a white lamb.  Jesus qualified just
> as the spotless lamb of God because he never sinned.  The frailty of his
> body of flesh did not disqualify him.
> Judy wrote:
> > I used to believe that Romans 7 described the
> > unregenerate man but have since learned that
> > Paul had been born of the Spirit (or born again)
> > for at least 20yrs when he wrote this.
> The use of present tense does not mean that he was describing his present
> sinful life of bondage under the law.  He was using a literary device
> as the historical present tense.  It is a way of bringing the reader into
> vivid understanding of what is being presented.  People do this often.
> might speak about their day yesterday when they went to the store by
> in present tense, "I see this cashier and I say..."  We know that Paul was
> not talking about his present life in Romans 7 because he sets it all up
> being about when we were in the flesh under the law (Rom. 7:5).
> Judy wrote:
> > The book of Romans is written to believers at
> > Rome and Paul describes his own walk here.
> No, he describes his walk when he was in the flesh and under the law (Rom.
> 7:1-13).  Don't ignore the entire context of Romans, leading believers to
> understand holiness that exists apart from the works of the law.
> Judy wrote:
> > He worked out his own salvation with fear and
> > trembling and wrote that he had NOT yet attained
> > but he pressed on Phil 3:10-14.
> Rightly divide the Word, Judy.  Phil. 3:10 says that he is talking about
> RESURRECTION in this passage.  Paul had not yet attained to the
> resurrection.  Read Phil. 3:15 and you will see that Paul calls himself
> perfect.  In verse 12 he had said that he was not perfect.  This was
> concerning the resurrection.  Three verses later in verse 15 he calls
> himself perfect.  This is in regards to his morality and walk in Christ.
> Judy wrote:
> > Paul has been known to miss it. He
> > called the High Priest a "whited sepulchre"
> > and had to apologize for it;
> This was not a sin along the lines of Romans 7.  Paul did not apologize,
> simply say that if he had known he was the high priest, he would not have
> talked to him that way.  In other words, the man was not acting like a
> priest and deserved what was said to him.  Even the Pharisees in this
> passage said that they could find no wrong in him.
> Judy wrote:
> > he also got into a fritz with Barnabus over
> > John Mark.
> Nothing wrong with this disagreement about whether their apostolic
> trip should include John Mark. The Scriptures tell us that Paul and Silas
> went "being recommended by the brethren" which is suggestive that Paul was
> in the right concerning this dispute.
> Judy wrote:
> > For him it was a learning process
> > like it is for us.
> And so it was for Jesus too...
> Hebrews 5:8-9
> (8) Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he
> suffered;
> (9) And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto
> all them that obey him;
> Judy wrote:
> > However, I don't see Jesus "missing it" at all
> You are right.  Jesus never sinned.
> Judy wrote:
> > He took our likeness upon himself but this
> > likeness involved the limitations of human
> > flesh in outward form only
> The following passage sounds like more than just outward likeness:
> Hebrews 5:7
> (7) Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and
> supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save
> him from death, and was heard in that he feared;
> Jesus sounds quite human in this passage, don't you think?  Crying.
> Fear.
> When God created man in his image, was it only in outward form?  If not,
> then why thrust this restriction on God when he was made in man's image?
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller.
> ----------
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