Bill Taylor wrote:

David wrote  >  I thought he was trying to say that there are many
homosexuals who had not yet experienced anal sex, but perhaps only oral sex
or some other of their various perversions.

Well, there you go: yet another reading on John's text. All the more reason
to withhold judgment until it becomes evident the meaning he is attempting
to convey.


PS The word "gay," while not an accurate depiction of the homosexual
lifestyle, has nonetheless become a figurative convention in our language.
To use "gay" interchangeably with "homosexual" in this day and age does not
necessarily indicate any bias at all on the part of the speaker. BUT,
because it is no longer a social convention to call a homosexual a
"sodomite," to do so is to demonstrate a strong and negative bias. This, it
seems to me, ought to be at least a heads up to you and others who may still
want to reach these people with the Gospel of our Lord (Moreover, the
question as to whether it is right or wrong for Christian to employ that
language in in-house discussions of homosexuality is quite beside the

Go spend a few years living with them, Bill, then tell me all about it. As for me, I will call them like I see them. A brood of vipers is still a brood of vipers, even if you describe them as our animal friends.

---------- "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)

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