On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 16:17:12 -0500 "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Bill Taylor wrote to Judy:  You started out criticizing what I had said about those who have tendencies, but are not acting upon them. You did that with these words: 
People who have been made free in Christ no longer have "those tendencies"  Jesus not only paid the price for our sin, he also gives us freedom from the power of it in our lives when we come to Him with our whole heart. 
I then responded to you and asked that you reconsider what you had said. Instead of doing that, you pulled a switch on us:
I'm not saying that I am never tempted Bill or that I am not dealing with my own family stuff - that's just a fact of life and God allows us to be tested. He also allows Satan to come periodically to check our foundation so we are forewarned.  But I don't believe that after a genuine conversion God leaves anyone with uncontrollable tendencies (unless they want them).
Do you see how you change the dynamics of our conversation when you add a new word to mine?
Hey Judy.  Bill has a point here.  You seem to shift in your conversation here, making it difficult to track.  Were you and Bill saying the same thing all along? 
jt: No I don't believe we have been saying the same thing at all but this is what discussion is about isn't it?
My definition of grace is different from his. I believe that grace is "the power to overcome sin so we are enslaved no longer"  I don't know why Bill would disagree with this since he is always saying that everyone and everything was assumed in the incarnation and only what is unassumed is unhealed.  But for some reason (unknown to me) it was offensive to him.
Do you see how it looks like you first held the position that Christians lack any tendency to sin, but then redefined it later to mean "uncontrollable tendencies"?  It might help if you acknowledge that you did not communicate your position clearly.  I'm sure Bill is a little frustrated in feeling like he is working with shifting sand.
jt: I have never believed that Christians or anyone else lacks the tendency to sin - they can do it anytime they want to and sometimes when they don't want to (Romans 7) - However, believers who are in Christ and sitting under godly instruction must learn to take every thought captive in obedience to Him, refuse darkness and walk in the light.  This applies to homosexuals as well because people who continue in this aberration do not inherit the Kingdom.  Making some kind of distinction between tendency and action is deception (see the Sermon on the Mount).  It's the pure in heart who are blessed and the pure in heart do not have perverted tendencies hidden away in there someplace - a doubleminded man is unstable in all his ways and this man receives nothing from the Lord.
This is what I was trying to get across to Bill - I am not saying anything that should be foreign to one who reads the Bible and have not changed what I basically believe.  Bill just doesn't hear me.     judyt


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