Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From 1611 until now, the King James Bible has undergone a grand total of 421 word changes, amounting to only five one-hundredths of a percent of the text! But that's not all. It gets better.

Out of the 421 total changes amounting to only five one-hundredths of a percent, the following should be noted -

    TOWARDS has been changed to TOWARD 14 times.

    BURNT has been changed to BURNED 31 times.

    AMONGST has been changed to AMONG 36 times.

    LIFT has been changed to LIFTED 51 times.

    YOU has been changed to YE 82 times.

The remaining 150 changes from 1611 to today are composed of printing errors, spelling standardization, and a few minor phrase changes. For example...

    In Genesis 22:7 AND WOOD was changed to AND THE WOOD.

    In Leviticus 11:3 CHEWETH CUD was changed to CHEWETH THE CUD.

    In Romans 6:12 REIGN THEREFORE was changed to THEREFORE REIGN.

    Compare to this:

    Correction p. 1257

    Correction p. 1207

    Correction p. 1325

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