Blaine:  Oops!  Judy has her heart into what she writes, but not always
factually accurate, huh?  Sorry Judy, I think David has it right here. 
Einstein was jewish, and most of what I have read about him was that he
was a firm believer in an ordered universe--but ordered by God, whom he
often sought after for inspiration.

On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 10:29:38 -0500 "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Judy wrote:
> > I've read of Einsteins unbelief in his own
> > writings Lance; he may have been smart
> > but he did not know the Truth
> What did Einstein say that led you to characterize him as a "pagan 
> unbeliever"?  Do you use the word "pagan" in the religious sense, as 
> in the 
> polytheistic religion of someone like Pagan Wolf (a past member of 
> this 
> list), or do you use it to mean that he was nonreligious?
> Einstein believed in God and rejected Quantum Mechanics specifically 
> because 
> he said, "God doesn't play dice with the universe."  Nevertheless, 
> he did 
> not believe in a personal God.  He was more like Thomas Jefferson 
> and 
> Benjamin Franklin, who were Deists.  Einstein is famous also for 
> saying, 
> "science without religion is lame, and religion without science is 
> blind."
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller. 
> ----------
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