Charles Perry Locke wrote:


We are talking obtusely here. The little 'g' god, the god of Mormonism is NOT the big 'G', the God of the Bible. You are confusing the two. They are not the same. Your little 'g' god may be a warm fuzzy parent to you, but don't confuse him with the big 'G' God of the Bible. I refer you to God's Holy Word for the details. You won't find the meat of the truth in the LDS works. And all you will find in the little 't' temple is occultic rights and symbols, like the clasps, tokens, signs, and penalties of Masonry. You live in a cauldron of deceit. Many have been sent to you and are STILL being sent to you to tell you the truth. You have rejected and continue to reject them all. Not all of them are warm and fuzzy. Some yell, some scream, some wave underwear, and some put flyers on your car, and some are in error. But they all they are desparate for your soul to be saved.

Now, lets see. If you are judged for believeing not in the Jesus and God of the Bible, but in the false jesus and a false god of Mormonism, and consequently are consigned to hell for eternity (whatever hell might actually turn out to be, not what you or anyone else might imagine it to be), whose fault is that? You have been told the truth over and over. YOU have chosen to reject it. Do you expect to blame someone else because YOU, having heard the truth over and over, chose to reject it? Get real. Your false hope lies with a false jesus and false god that cannot save you, regardless of how liberal they are at the false judgement you are deceived into believing.

Read the Bible, Dave. It tells it all. Become like a child, forget the lies you have been spoonfed from infancy. Grapple with the REAL GOD and JESUS! Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Not with the false hope of a little g god that will save everybody.

You have asked about what I think Hell is. I beleive that Hell is separation from God for eternity. It may feel like a fire burning in you that cannot be quenched. Why will it feel that way? BECAUSE YOU WILL CLEARLY KNOW, UNDERSTAND, AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU ARE THERE BY YOUR CHOICE TO REJECT THE REAL AND TRUE AND ONLY GOD!!! But whether it is an eternal flame, or just feels like it, or is something that I can't image, I KNOW I DO NOT WANT IT!!! I am not perfect. My understanding of theology is not perfect, but I am forgiven. And I know it. "For the Bible tells me so".


Sounds like good advice, Dave.  I wouldn't dismiss it lightly.
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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