Dear Kevin;
Thank you for your post on Strong's Hebrew definitions of the word ra. Of the possible English choices the KJV translator had when translating Isaiah 45:7, he picked the wrong one. To say that God creates evil is to go against what the bible teaches about God and it blasphemes God.
This is what God's hate is like:
When I contemplate evil, nurse a grudge or dwell in anger, He is not there. His presence is gone. This is because hate is the opposite of God's being and when God hates, He is not there. The problem is that I may end up entertaining another presence, another person. David recognized this risk when he sinned with Bathsheba and got found out. He saw what happened to Saul when the Spirit left him. "Take not your Holy Spirit from me," he prayed (and taught Israel to pray.)
Man's hate and man's wrath seek to destroy and depersonalize the another person. It's a mistake to think of God's hate and wrath in the same way. We hate according to who we are. Some people take out baseball bats and get violent; some stew and mutter curses. God, who is love, absents himself.
P.S. sorry about not quoting your original post. I trust I remembered it correctly as I'm too lazy to search archives for it. I originally deleted it and thought, well, that's that! but the Spirit woke me up this morning and impressed on my heart, say to Kevin these two things. Oh well. It's the selfish part in me that want the list to know that I'm usually blissfully sleeping at this hour and not blearily staring into my computer!!!

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