And David goes for the "last word."  

JD   ( By the way  --  I read only what was quoted below and quit.) 

In a message dated 4/1/2005 7:56:03 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

John wrote:
>Are you going on record to say that I am
>lying about the claim that Judy put my
>words in quotations, and in so doing,
>changed the very wording of my comment  to
>read"comfortable with sin.   period?"  Yes or no.

No.  The term "lying" which you use here implies an intent to deceive.  I'm
not prepared to judge your heart this way, but it is becoming increasingly
more difficult to believe that you are not purposely trying to be deceptive
here.  What I am saying is that you are bearing false witness against your
sister when you assert that she is misquoting you and being dishonest.  You
have succeeded in deceiving Gary and probably others as well.

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