Jesus asked, "Why do you call me Lord, and do not do as I tell you?"
We obey because He is Lord and we are not.  Simple as that.  Though love is the ideal motive, it does not matter  whether you feel like doing it out of love, or fear, or do not feel like doing it at all.  He is not wringing His hands hoping we will someday obey.  He demands obedience, because He deserves obedience.  HE IS LORD! 
Nothing is simple when it comes to humans and saying it is sweeps a lot of things under the carpet. If someone loves Jesus and wants to do His will but can't it could be
a) unresolved sin issues that needs to be confessed. This may even be generational or spousal sins
b) spiritual warfare that needs to be confronted.
c) misunderstanding of what Jesus really wants and the Spirit is saying stop!
d) something else needs to be done first
e) woundedness that needs to be healed first. What if someone cheated us financially and we haven't forgiven them? Or what if we grew up poorer than our neighbours? In some people, an inability to tithe may have its roots in that unforgiveness or inability to trust God's care.
I'm sure others can think of blocks to obedience. "Just do it" is an awful yoke to place on people's neck. Jesus said his yoke is easy and his burden light and that we're to learn from him and he will give us rest. If the yoke is hard and the burden is heavy, we're under the wrong master or we haven't heard his voice instructing us on how to obey. It would also mean giving up on a lot of joy and peace.

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