David Miller wrote:
>> ... if a person is comfortable with the idea of keeping
>> their sin ..then such a person is comfortable in sin.

Gary wrote:
> so what?

So what?  If you accept this logical syllogism as true, then not only did 
Judy not misquote John, she did not misrepresent his position either.

John had written:
> Actually, I am comfortable thinking that YOU
> can keep your sin and still be considered righteous

So finally the truth comes out.  Judy never misrepresented John.  I doubt 
any apologies will be forth coming from either John or Gary, but I hope you 
guys prove me wrong and manifest more grace than expected.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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