Caroline Wong wrote:
I don't have any idea what you are talking about, Caroline.  Where does it say that Peter heard from Satan, and why would that have anything to do with what I have heard. 
The incidents follow one another in Matthew 16. The Cornelius story is in Acts 10. Paul's complaint about Peter is in Galatians. Your assignment is to think about what this says about us walking the life of obedience.
Do I have to be great to hear from either God or Satan? 
You ARE hearing from both RIGHT NOW. My question was do you know the difference?
Do I have to be great to tell the difference? 
Even the great ones make mistakes, Terry. And we are all expected to be on guard against deception - whether we're great or small, young or old.
Do you not recognize the voice of either one?
I'll give you a PT Barnum paraphrase. Satan can fool all the people some of the time, some of the people all the time but he can't fool all the people all the time. Satan can come disguised as an Angel of Light and in healing ministries, we've encountered lies he has sown into people's lives that are hard to remove. Satan is not such an idiot that he comes to us in a voice of brimestone and fire. Most often, his voice sounds JUST LIKE US. That is where the confusion lies. We know when God speaks audibly to us. No one who has heard His audible voice can forget or confuse that. But most of the time, we go by an internal witness in our spirit or an understanding when we read the bible. That is where the battle lies.

Why not go judge someone else until you get the hang of it, then come back and explain to me how confused I am.
Someone needed to whack you upside the head to wake you up. :-) Spiritual warfare 101.
Not Barnum, Caroline.  That was Abe Lincoln.  Barnum said,"There is a sucker born every minute."  I think he was talking about disobedient liberals.



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