David Miller wrote:
DaveH wrote:
The problem in the LDS organization, however,
is that you guys have only one prophetDAVEH:
That is incorrect, DavidM.

The President (e.g., Gordon Hinckley) is the guy I always hear referred to 
as prophet.  Are his two counsellors also called prophets?

Do I have it wrong in thinking that the apostles and prophets of your church 
are only the 12 apostles and the First Presidency?  Would you say that you 
have 12 apostles and three prophets?  Or do you consider all 15 men to be 
prophets, with 12 of them having the added distinction of apostleship?
DAVEH:   All 15.
Also, I have always seen the apostles identified as those who assist the 
First Presidency.  Do I have that right?
DAVEH:  Yes and no.  His counselors are for his assistance.  However, one could also say the same about the 12, I suppose.  Hence my y/n answer.
  The Scriptures put apostles first, 
then prophets,
DAVEH:  To assume that is meaningful from a hierarchy standpoint might be logically flawed.  It could be that it was written that way because it flowed off the tongue (so to speak) better.  E.g., I almost always refer to my children as Ross & Judy rather than Judy & Ross, even though Judy is the eldest.  I'm not sure why, but it just comes out of my mouth easier that way.
 so I see an antichrist element in putting up one man called 
the Prophet over the apostles in your organization.  Please clarify the 
structure for me, Dave.  I've been learning about Mormonism from you for a 
very long time.  :-)

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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