What about the prophecies and the rest of scripture JD?
"I the Lord have called thee in righteousness and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles; to open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house" (Isa 42:6,7)
On Mon, 11 Apr 2005 12:26:03 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
So, while we are proof-texting like a drunken sailor,   we might consider this: 
Jews lived and died as the the King of the JEWS.  
Jesus didn't live and die as the "King of the Jews" that was a title given by the Romans; in actuality He is the King
of the Kingdom of God which consists of ppl of every tribe and nation.
His lineage was Jewish.
His Father is God the Holy Spirit and God the Father is not Jewish.   
He was killed by the Jews.   
Actually He was killed by the Romans at the insistence of the Jewish leaders (you didn't pay attn to Slade).
How can you make this claim when the Church are the ecclesia or "called out ones" followers of The Way
All of his immediate disciples were Jews. 
Everyone in the upper room (both occasions)  were Jewish.   
God's Covenant was with Israel through Moses so the message was sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel first.
The expansion of the ministry (to the Gentiles)  is first given to Peter in a vision  sometime after the cross.  
Peter was sent to the house of Cornelius who was a worshipper and who gave alms and who God knew about. However
God was never completely exclusive and Jesus confronted the Jews with the fact that God passed over a lot of widows in Israel and Elijah was sent to one in the city of Sidon; also there were many lepers in Israel and Elijah healed Naaman a Syrian, (because the Jews were covenant breakers) which made the Jews so angry they wanted to push him off the brow of a hill.
When Jesus sends his 12 out on mission, they are sent to the Jews and "not to the Gentiles )  Matt 10:5,6. 
Lost sheep (covenant breakers) of the house of Israel.  
In Matt 15:24,  Christ tells us that His mission is to the Jews and not to anyone else."
He said healing was the children's bread (children of the covenant) but did he or did he not heal the woman's daughter?  
Why?  How can this be?   Because of John 4:7  --  "salvation is of the Jews."  
Only because God's oracles were entrusted to them preserved by them for the rest of us; salvation is FOR
whosoever will come.

When Christ speaks of the "few there be" who will accept the salvation offered to them,  He is speaking to the Jews and of the Jews. 
No His Words are not exclusively for the Jews and Jews alone. Read the parable of the sower JD.  The field is the world.\
Does He intend to included all of mankind?  Absolutely  --   and He does.  
Glad he has your permission JD
But there is a politic to this inclusion that began with Adam and came down to the world through Israel.  
God is not and never has been political; He is Sovereign Lord over all mankind.
The picture of the uncountable multitudes in Rev. 7 is a blessed hope for us all and is UNDENIABLE, folks  (in a meaningful sense of the word.)
We can hope - but remember the disobedient and lawless don't make it.

I should get three points for this slam dunk  !!!!  
Pastor Smithson

In a message dated 4/11/2005 5:33:25 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
How do we reconcile  Matt 22:14   "many are called; few are chosen" with passages like Rev. 7:9  "more than could be counted  ..  from every nation and tribe?"  

Do we realize that statements such as Matt 22:14 ARE LIMITED to the Gospel Accounts?   When Christ speaks of "many are called and few are chosen,"  He is speaking of the Jews. 

When His ministry is expanded to include peoples from every nation and tribe  --   things start looking up.    Praise God.   

Does anyone know of teaching outside the Gospel Accounts that counter the Revelation picture?   I cannot find one reference.


================================================================="I came to seek and save the lost " was in the Gospel accounts too.  Was that only for the Jews?  I thought you said the other day that you turned the other cheek.  That was Gospel too.  Are you Jewish?  It is true that Jesus was born under the law and remained under the law until He was crucified, but His messages were the good news of the Gospel, to everyone able to receive it.  One of those messages said Few there be that find it.
When Sodom and Gomorrah went down, few eszaped God's judgment.  When water covered the world and all flesh died that was not in the ark, few escaped God's judgment.  When Israel left Egypt for the promised land, of all the slaves that started the journey, two made it to the promised land.
See any pattern here?


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