I had this draft sitting in my Draft box, which I'll post now even though the poll has been counted. I am sure the gate to the fold is not locked yet. Paragraphs are answers to Caroline's questions.
Universal. For the whole cosmos. I think the limited atonement idea comes from a concern that any action of God's might be "wasted", but that's a misunderstanding of the atonement, as if Jesus' life, death, resurrection, and ascension were quantifiable legal tender.
I don't know the exact interplay of God's will and ours in coming to him, just as I don't know the exact interplay of our will and God's in anything that happens. I believe he desires everyone. I believe he takes initiative and that he persistently interacts with people, at different times and in different ways (hey, that's an echo of Scripture, isn't it?) with different people and this is what makes it possible for us to come at all. If we seem to be seeking, it is like the princess following the string in the George Macdonald story. The string was given to her by her grandmother who was tugging on the other end. But I also believe we can resist, or turn the other way.
Like JD, I think the "security" question depends on what we mean by salvation. My reconciliation has been entirely accomplished by another, is secure and cannot be undone. God will never have anything to hold against me. I do not believe it is up to me to hang on and keep myself acceptable to God (thank you God), just as it was not up to me to make myself acceptable. I guess if I persisted in apostasy, I would be living to myself, ignoring that I can only be real in relationship with God, and that would eventually destroy me. (Of course, as long as I consider the question at all, I am not apostate.)
Added this morning: Caroline, I think you are right that the inescapable presence of God in the midst of my disacknowledgement would be hellish. It would be no more bearable than the hell described by fundies. 
That's what I believe now. I might change my mind, but if I do, I won't consider any of the years wasted.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Caroline Wong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: Only this Message can give Assurance

>A quick poll for TT:
> Who here believes in limited atonement or universal atonement? In other
> words, did Jesus die for the sins of the saved or the sins of all men?
> Who here believes in predestination, double predestination or universal
> access? In other words, are some people predestined by God to be saved, some
> to be damned or is it God's will that all be saved and it is our will that
> decides the final outcome?
> Can one's salvation be lost? Why or Why not?
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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